Research sprints

We've gotten a lot of interest from people who want to collaborate on a project. Unfortunately, we don't currently have the resources to manage a very large team of volunteers. We still want to support the community of junior researchers and faciliate collaborations, so we're trying something new.

We're going to run quarterly (for now) research sprints. We'll help you find a team of people to work together and suggest some project ideas to help you get started. These vary from very engineering-focused to highly theoretical.

If you're interested, please join our Discord and introduce yourself in the #projects channel. We'll provide more details there.

The Process

  1. Choose a Project: Find an idea and find (or begin) the corresponding thread in the #projects channel in our Discord. You can also propose your own idea by starting a new thread.
  2. Form a Group: We recommend forming a group to tackle these projects. If you're interested in a project, say so in its corresponding thread to find teammates.
  3. Demo day: We'll have a demo day sometime in November (exact day TBD) in which your team can present what you've been up to. Think of this as an informal poster session. The deadline should help to focus your efforts.

Upcoming Hackathon

Don't miss our upcoming hackathon on the 7th and 8th of October. This is an excellent opportunity to make significant headway on your chosen project. More details can be found here.


  • Where do I submit my project? No formal submission. Keep your Discord thread updated and keep out an eye for the demo day.
  • How do I ask for feedback? Simply post your queries in Discord, and someone will get back to you.
  • Can I work on multiple projects? Focus is key. We recommend sticking to one project for now.
  • What if I want to propose my own project? Feel free to start a new thread in #projects on Discord.
  • Do I need to work on a team? We're totally fine with multiple people working independently on the same project ideas. Coordination takes time and effort, so you may find it more conducive to work alone. That said, we encourage you to form a team if you can.